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Panel LCD I2C nie wyświetla - Wersja do druku

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Panel LCD I2C nie wyświetla - RuskiChleb - 23-03-2019

Tak więc ,  lcd I2C  nie wyświetla tego co jest w void loop. Chciałem, aby LCD wyświetlał wilgotność, temperaturę i wilgotność gleby, ale nic nie wyświetla.  Z góry dziękuje za pomoc
int woda  = 8; //You can remove this line, it has no use in the program.
int soilPin = A0;//Declare a variable for the soil moisture sensor
int val; //This variable stores the value received from Soil moisture sensor.
int soilPower = 7;//Variable for Soil moisture Power

#include <dht.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LCD.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

#define I2C_ADDR 0x27
#define En_pin 2
#define Rw_pin 1
#define Rs_pin 0
#define D4_pin 4
#define D5_pin 5
#define D6_pin 6
#define D7_pin 7

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 2, 1, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, POSITIVE);
dht DHT; //Declaring the DHT as a dht type to use it later

#define DHT11_PIN 9//Declaring where the DHT signal pin is wired

void setup() {
 pinMode(8, OUTPUT); //Set pin 8 as OUTPUT pin, to send signal to relay
 pinMode(0, INPUT); //Set pin 0 as input pin, to receive data from Soil moisture sensor.
 pinMode(soilPower, OUTPUT);
 digitalWrite(soilPower, LOW);
 lcd.begin (16, 2);
 lcd.setBacklightPin(BACKLIGHT_PIN, POSITIVE);
 lcd.home ();


void loop() {

//This is a function used to get the soil moisture content
int readSoil()
 digitalWrite(soilPower, HIGH);//turn D7 "On"
 delay(10);//wait 10 milliseconds
 val = analogRead(soilPin);//Read the SIG value form sensor

 digitalWrite(soilPower, LOW);//turn D7 "Off"
 return val;//send current moisture value
 lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
 int chk = DHT.read11(DHT11_PIN); //Reading data from the module
 lcd.print(DHT.temperature); //Showing temperature value (before that you can do some math to get the temperature in Farnheit)
 lcd.setCursor(6, 0);
 lcd.println(DHT.humidity); //Showing humidity percentage
 lcd.setCursor(6, 1);
 lcd.println(DHT.humidity); //Showing humidity percentage
 delay(1000);//refreshing every 1s
{if (readSoil() > 600) {
   lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
 else {
   lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
 Serial.print("Soil Moisture = "); //get soil moisture value from the function below and print it
 //This 1 second time frame is used so you can test the sensor and see it change in real-time.
 //For in-plant applications, you will want to take readings much less frequently.
 delay(1000);//take a reading every second

RE: Panel LCD I2C nie wyświetla - Jarewa0606 - 23-03-2019

Sprawdz pierw pod jakim adresem jest LCD, I2C skanerem.

po drugie ten kod w loop to jakiś dziwy, dziwne ze to w ogóle wgrało przeszło przez komplikator.

RE: Panel LCD I2C nie wyświetla - kaczakat - 24-03-2019

Loop jest dziwny bo pusty, nic nie robi. Ekran zachowuje się więc prawidłowo nic nie pokazując.