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AS3935MI - Wersja do druku

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AS3935MI - user10 - 30-04-2019

proboje uruchomic czujnik AS3935MI po I2C

czujnik podłaczony zgodnie ze schematem. 

// Arduino - AS3935
// 5V ------ VCC
// GND ----- GND
// D2 ------ IRQ must be a pin supporting external interrupts, e.g. D2 or D3 on an Arduino Uno.
// SDA ----- MOSI
// SCL ----- SCL
// 5V ------ SI (activates I2C for the AS3935)
// 5V ------ A0 (sets the AS3935' I2C address to 0x01)
// GND ----- A1 (sets the AS3935' I2C address to 0x01)
// 5V ------ EN_VREG !IMPORTANT when using 5V Arduinos (Uno, Mega2560, ...)
// other pins can be left unconnected.

czesciowo dziala. Czesciowo tzn. przy przelaczeniu pinow A0 i A1 w zaleznosci od kombinacji na pinach +5/GND czujnik zmienia adres (sprawdzone skanerem). 

w przypadku zasilania VCC 5V podłączam EN_VREG rowniez do 5V
w przypadku zasilania czujnika 3.3v, EN_VREG zostawiam niepodłączony.

niestety. przy uruchomieniu przykladowego programu ten zawiesza sie/wpada w pętle i nie wychodzi  na etapie weryfikacji IRQ. 

//check the IRQ pin connection.
if (!as3935.checkIRQ())
Serial.println("checkIRQ() failed. check if the correct IRQ pin was passed to the AS3935I2C constructor. ");
while (1);

Mimo ze ten jest dobrze podłączony do pinu 2 w Arduino Uno 
czy czujnik moze byc uszkodzony ? czy cos innego robie źle ?

// AS3935MI_LightningDetector_I2C.ino
// shows how to use the AS3935MI library with the lightning sensor connected using I2C.
// Copyright (c) 2018 Gregor Christandl
// connect the AS3935 to the Arduino like this:
// Arduino - AS3935
// 5V ------ VCC
// GND ----- GND
// D2 ------ IRQ        must be a pin supporting external interrupts, e.g. D2 or D3 on an Arduino Uno.
// SDA ----- MOSI
// SCL ----- SCL
// 5V ------ SI        (activates I2C for the AS3935)
// 5V ------ A0        (sets the AS3935' I2C address to 0x01)
// GND ----- A1        (sets the AS3935' I2C address to 0x01)
// 5V ------ EN_VREG !IMPORTANT when using 5V Arduinos (Uno, Mega2560, ...)
// other pins can be left unconnected.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>

#include <AS3935MI.h>

#define PIN_IRQ 2

//create an AS3935 object using the I2C interface, I2C address 0x01 and IRQ pin number 2
AS3935I2C as3935(AS3935I2C::AS3935I2C_A01, PIN_IRQ);

//this value will be set to true by the AS3935 interrupt service routine.
volatile bool interrupt_ = false;

void setup() {
 // put your setup code here, to run once:

    //wait for serial connection to open (only necessary on some boards)
    while (!Serial);

    //set the IRQ pin as an input pin. do not use INPUT_PULLUP - the AS3935 will pull the pin
    //high if an event is registered.
    pinMode(PIN_IRQ, INPUT);


    //begin() checks the Interface and I2C Address passed to the constructor and resets the AS3935 to
    //default values.
    if (!as3935.begin())
        Serial.println("begin() failed. Check the I2C address passed to the AS3935I2C constructor. ");
        while (1);

    //check I2C connection.
    if (!as3935.checkConnection())
        Serial.println("checkConnection() failed. check your I2C connection and I2C Address. ");
        while (1);

    //check the IRQ pin connection.
    if (!as3935.checkIRQ())
        Serial.println("checkIRQ() failed. check if the correct IRQ pin was passed to the AS3935I2C constructor. ");
        while (1);

    //calibrate the resonance frequency. if this fails, check if the AS3935s IRQ pin is
    //connected to the correct pin on the Arduino. resonance frequency calibration will
    //take about 1.7 seconds to complete.
    if (!as3935.calibrateResonanceFrequency())
        Serial.println("Resonance Frequency Calibration failed");
        while (1);
        Serial.println("Resonance Frequency Calibration succeeded");

    //calibrate the RCO.
    if (!as3935.calibrateRCO())
        Serial.println("RCO Calibration failed");
        while (1);
        Serial.println("RCP Calibration succeeded");

    //set the analog front end to 'indoors'

    //set default value for noise floor threshold

    //set the default Watchdog Threshold

    //set the default Spike Rejection

    //write default value for minimum lightnings (1)

    //do not mask disturbers

    //the AS3935 will pull the interrupt pin HIGH when an event is registered and will keep it
    //pulled high until the event register is read.
    attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIN_IRQ), AS3935ISR, RISING);

    Serial.println("Initialization complete, waiting for events...");

void loop() {
    // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

    if (interrupt_)
        //the Arduino should wait at least 2ms after the IRQ pin has been pulled high

        //reset the interrupt variable
        interrupt_ = false;

        //query the interrupt source from the AS3935
        uint8_t event = as3935.readInterruptSource();

        //send a report if the noise floor is too high.
        if (event == AS3935MI::AS3935_INT_NH)
            Serial.println("Noise floor too high. attempting to increase noise floor threshold. ");

            //if the noise floor threshold setting is not yet maxed out, increase the setting.
            //note that noise floor threshold events can also be triggered by an incorrect
            //analog front end setting.
            if (as3935.increaseNoiseFloorThreshold())
                Serial.println("increased noise floor threshold");
                Serial.println("noise floor threshold already at maximum");

        //send a report if a disturber was detected. if disturbers are masked with as3935.writeMaskDisturbers(true);
        //this event will never be reported.
        else if (event == AS3935MI::AS3935_INT_D)

            Serial.println("Disturber detected. attempting to increase noise floor threshold. ");

            //increasing the Watchdog Threshold and / or Spike Rejection setting improves the AS3935s resistance
            //against disturbers but also decrease the lightning detection efficiency (see AS3935 datasheet)
            uint8_t wdth = as3935.readWatchdogThreshold();
            uint8_t srej = as3935.readSprikeRejection();

            if ((wdth < AS3935MI::AS3935_WDTH_10) || (srej < AS3935MI::AS3935_SREJ_10))
                //alternatively increase spike rejection and watchdog threshold
                if (srej < wdth)
                    if (as3935.increaseSpikeRejection())
                        Serial.println("increased spike rejection ratio");
                        Serial.println("spike rejection ratio already at maximum");
                    if (as3935.increaseWatchdogThreshold())
                        Serial.println("increased watchdog threshold");
                        Serial.println("watchdog threshold already at maximum");
                Serial.println("error: Watchdog Threshold and Spike Rejection settings are already maxed out.");

        else if (event == AS3935MI::AS3935_INT_L)
            Serial.print("Lightning detected! Storm Front is ");
            Serial.println("km away.");

//interrupt service routine. this function is called each time the AS3935 reports an event by pulling
//the IRQ pin high.
void AS3935ISR()
    interrupt_ = true;