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Gamepad wireless do arduino
Witam bardzo serdecznie

otóż posiadam w swojej kolekcji sprzętów Arduino Leonardo a także gamepad'a
oto tego właśnie gamepad'a po podłączeniu występuje prosty problem jestem zbyt słaby w kodowaniu i nie potrafię do zaprogramować wiem że mam użyć SPI ale nie potrafię.
a było by miło gdybym mógł sterować moim samochodzikiem za pomocą tego pada
arduino jest podłączone do do sterownika silników DRV8833
proszę po przybliżenie mi jak mogę skonfigurować pada i arduino albo w ostateczności napisać program gdzie każdy przycisk będzie odpowiadał poszczególnemu pinowi na arduino
z góry dziękuje wraże co mogę załączyć zdjęcia mojego prototypu
SCP1000 Barometric Pressure Sensor Display

Shows the output of a Barometric Pressure Sensor on a
Uses the SPI library. For details on the sensor, see:

This sketch adapted from Nathan Seidle's SCP1000 example for PIC:

SCP1000 sensor attached to pins 6, 7, 10 - 13:
DRDY: pin 6
CSB: pin 7
MOSI: pin 11
MISO: pin 12
SCK: pin 13

created 31 July 2010
modified 14 August 2010
by Tom Igoe

// the sensor communicates using SPI, so include the library:
#include <SPI.h>

//Sensor's memory register addresses:
const int PRESSURE = 0x1F;      //3 most significant bits of pressure
const int PRESSURE_LSB = 0x20;  //16 least significant bits of pressure
const int TEMPERATURE = 0x21;   //16 bit temperature reading
const byte READ = 0b11111100;     // SCP1000's read command
const byte WRITE = 0b00000010;   // SCP1000's write command

// pins used for the connection with the sensor
// the other you need are controlled by the SPI library):
const int dataReadyPin = 6;
const int chipSelectPin = 7;

void setup() {

  // start the SPI library:

  // initalize the  data ready and chip select pins:
  pinMode(dataReadyPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(chipSelectPin, OUTPUT);

  //Configure SCP1000 for low noise configuration:
  writeRegister(0x02, 0x2D);
  writeRegister(0x01, 0x03);
  writeRegister(0x03, 0x02);
  // give the sensor time to set up:

void loop() {
  //Select High Resolution Mode
  writeRegister(0x03, 0x0A);

  // don't do anything until the data ready pin is high:
  if (digitalRead(dataReadyPin) == HIGH) {
    //Read the temperature data
    int tempData = readRegister(0x21, 2);

    // convert the temperature to celsius and display it:
    float realTemp = (float)tempData / 20.0;

    //Read the pressure data highest 3 bits:
    byte  pressure_data_high = readRegister(0x1F, 1);
    pressure_data_high &= 0b00000111; //you only needs bits 2 to 0

    //Read the pressure data lower 16 bits:
    unsigned int pressure_data_low = readRegister(0x20, 2);
    //combine the two parts into one 19-bit number:
    long pressure = ((pressure_data_high << 16) | pressure_data_low) / 4;

    // display the temperature:
    Serial.println("\tPressure [Pa]=" + String(pressure));

//Read from or write to register from the SCP1000:
unsigned int readRegister(byte thisRegister, int bytesToRead ) {
  byte inByte = 0;           // incoming byte from the SPI
  unsigned int result = 0;   // result to return
  Serial.print(thisRegister, BIN);
  // SCP1000 expects the register name in the upper 6 bits
  // of the byte. So shift the bits left by two bits:
  thisRegister = thisRegister << 2;
  // now combine the address and the command into one byte
  byte dataToSend = thisRegister & READ;
  Serial.println(thisRegister, BIN);
  // take the chip select low to select the device:
  digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, LOW);
  // send the device the register you want to read:
  // send a value of 0 to read the first byte returned:
  result = SPI.transfer(0x00);
  // decrement the number of bytes left to read:
  // if you still have another byte to read:
  if (bytesToRead > 0) {
    // shift the first byte left, then get the second byte:
    result = result << 8;
    inByte = SPI.transfer(0x00);
    // combine the byte you just got with the previous one:
    result = result | inByte;
    // decrement the number of bytes left to read:
  // take the chip select high to de-select:
  digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, HIGH);
  // return the result:

//Sends a write command to SCP1000

void writeRegister(byte thisRegister, byte thisValue) {

  // SCP1000 expects the register address in the upper 6 bits
  // of the byte. So shift the bits left by two bits:
  thisRegister = thisRegister << 2;
  // now combine the register address and the command into one byte:
  byte dataToSend = thisRegister | WRITE;

  // take the chip select low to select the device:
  digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, LOW);

  SPI.transfer(dataToSend); //Send register location
  SPI.transfer(thisValue);  //Send value to record into register

  // take the chip select high to de-select:
  digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, HIGH);

tu jest przykładowy odczyt spi dalej trzeba kombinować po usuwać co nie potrzebne i dopisac swoje

/*********For Minidriver Board**************************
  * attention  - to digital pin 6  (simulate SS pin)  
    PB2        - PWM_R
  * command    - to digital pin 11 (MOSI pin)
  * data       - to digital pin 12 (MISO pin)
  * clock      - to digital pin 13 (SCK pin)
  \ data command X | ground 3.3V attention | clock X X /
#include <SPI.h>

const int slaveSelectPin = 6;
unsigned char PS2buf[10];
unsigned char i;
void setup()
  SPI.setBitOrder(LSBFIRST);                //LSBFIRST or MSBFIRST
  SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE3);               //CPOL=1 CPHA=1
  SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV64);  //
  Serial.println("Inizatin finished.");

void loop()

unsigned char PS2_RWByte(unsigned char dat)

unsigned char Get_PS2Dat(unsigned char *buf)
  unsigned char i;
  return 1;
  return 2;
  return 0;
przykładowa obsługa pada

Uruchomiłem zwykłego pada na kabel sieczko się łączy z arduino niebawem dojdzie mi ten z twojego liku jak uda się mi go obsłużyć podam przykładowy program

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