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Podłączyłem belkę tensometryczną według instrukcji dołączonej do belki.
Moduł wagi wygląda tak: http://www.myduino.com/image/cache/data/...00x500.JPG

Na wstępie chcę skalibrować układ, uruchomiłem następujący program:

#include "HX711.h"

// HX711.DOUT - pin #A1
// HX711.PD_SCK - pin #A0

HX711 scale(A0, A1); // parameter "gain" is ommited; the default value 128 is used by the library

void setup() {
Serial.println("You Have 20s to Place a Known weight on the Sensor:"); // Time delay to place weight


scale.set_scale(); // this value is obtained by dividing the calibration value with the known weight;
scale.tare(); // reset the scale to 0

Serial.println("Calibration Value:"); // divide this bby the weight of the load used

void loop() {
Serial.print("Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms:\t");

scale.power_down(); // put the ADC in sleep mode

wyniki pomiaru otrzymuję następujące:

Calibration Value:
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: 64.00
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: 46.00
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: 84.00
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: 77.00
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: 48.00
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: 109.00
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: 61.00
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: 95.00
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: 75.00
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: 53.00
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: 42.00
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: 65.00
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: 49.00
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: -1.00
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: -51.00
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: -1.00
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: 29.00
Divide this by value by the weight used in desired output units e.g. Grams/Kilograms: 97.00

Jak widać odczyty są bardzo różne, co może mieć na to wpływ??
Zasilanie belki czy to z arduino czy z zewnętrznego zasilacza daje takie same efekty.


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